99.60 Withdrawal effective Dec 8, 2004
CEN/TC 459/SC 3 Structural steels other than reinforcements
European Norm
77.140.70 Steel profiles
This European Standard specifies through thickness properties and associated test methods for steel plates, strip, wide flats and sections. This European Standard may be applied as a supplement to all product standards for plate, strip, wide flats and sections of killed steels, except stainless steels. It covers products having a thickness between 15 mm and 250 mm inclusive of steels with a specified minimum upper yield strenght ReH or proof strenght RpO,2 ¿ 500 N/mm2 for which improved through thickness properties are required. The application of this European Standard to other product thicknesses and other steel types shall be the subject of agreement at the time of the enquiry and order. Option 1.
Legislation related to this standard
EN 10164:1993
Withdrawal effective
Dec 8, 2004
EN 10164:2004