60.60 Standard published Jul 26, 2023
CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement
13.200 Accident and disaster control
This document proposes a harmonized approach for crisis management stakeholders with a main focus on public safety agencies, to elaborate emergency response plans based on a homogenous core structure to be further adapted to specific hazard types as per relevant guidelines also provided as part of the CWA.
This deliverable intends to propose uniform practices for elaborating emergency response plans, to emergency management agencies and other civil protection practitioners within the field of disaster and emergency management, including non-governmental agencies active in the sector. Each of the aforementioned categories of potential end-users may wish to consider the proposed structure of the response plan template in the context of elaborating a new response plan and/or adapting an existing response plan relative to a specific hazard type.
Based on that, this CWA proposes to first responders a generic template along with methodological guidelines for elaborating a response plan in a coherent manner for all types of hazards falling in their scope of operations.
A core backbone structure of such a document is provided in Annex A, normative, along with guidelines regarding its adjustment and practical application to the characteristics of different types of hazards.
The applicability of the overall approach specifically to Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNe) incidents and waste disposal plants emergencies, is showcased (for indicative purposes) in two examples detailed in Annexes B & C, informative.
CWA 18018:2023
Standard published
Jul 26, 2023