CWA 17089:2016

Indicators for the sustainability assessment of roads CWA 17089:2016

General information

99.60 Withdrawal effective   Jun 28, 2023


CEN/WS SUSTINROADS Sustainability assessment of roads

CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement

93.080.99   Other standards related to road engineering


This document provides a recommended common set of indicators that can be used for the sustainability assessment of future or existing road structures. The indicators include definitions, units and measurements and/or calculation methods.
It does not provide a full assessment methodology, neither benchmarking nor recommendations for weighting indicators.
Alignment choice is not included in this document as it has been determined previously.
Regarding bridges and tunnels, only road structures are included. Other elements of the road (e.g. noise and safety barriers, lighting, signage, etc.) not considered in this document may influence the global sustainability assessment. Where the choices made on the basis of this document have an influence on these other elements, the related impacts should be taken into consideration.
The indicators are intended to be declared using the modularity provided in prEN 15643-5. This document does not assess the relevance of the indicators for each information module but it should be remarked that the global warming potential and energy use are dominated by the emissions from vehicles during the use stage, which can be influenced by pavement characteristics.
The set of indicators presented in this document, covering the whole life cycle should be used. The user of this document can decide to use a part of the content and use other parameters relevant for the scope of the assessment. If a limited set is chosen, the user of the document shall consider the risk of burden shifting from one Sustainability Performance Indicator (SPI) to another or from one life cycle stage to another. An impact assessment is recommended to justify the choices made.
NOTE Intended users of the document are Public Administrations, road designers, constructors, etc.
The information about materials or products is based on EN 15804 and EN ISO 14044 for environmental impact categories and indicators, and shall include relevant information derived from construction products, processes and services according to prEN 15643-5.
The information for costs is based on ISO 15686-5 and prEN 15643-5.

Life cycle


CWA 17089:2016
99.60 Withdrawal effective
Jun 28, 2023