CWA 15847:2008

Innovation, Coordination and Collaboration in Service Driven Manufacturing Supply Chains - Reference Model for Industrial Services

General information

99.60 Withdrawal effective   Jun 18, 2014


CEN/WS 039 InCoCo-S Reference Model for Industrial Services (IRM)

CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement

03.080.20   Services for companies


The Industry Reference Model (IRM) is an integrated process model to be used by a service provider offering technical services such as maintenance, retrofit and packaging to supply chains and manufacturing organizations. Customers of service providers use the model to first align service operations, and to secondly benchmark service performance against different service vendors by using the standardized process description and the service scorecard described in the CWA. In summary, the focus of IRM implementation ranges from strategic alignment of business goals to integration of processes at a very operational level.

Life cycle


CWA 15847:2008
99.60 Withdrawal effective
Jun 18, 2014