CWA 15556-2:2006

Product Description and Classification - Part 2: Product Classes with sets of properties CWA 15556-2:2006

General information

99.60 Withdrawal effective   Oct 28, 2015


CEN/WS eCAT eCataloguing (Multilingual catalogue strategies for ecommerce and ebusiness

CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement

35.240.50   IT applications in industry


This CWA «Product classes with sets of properties » deals with ISO 13584 (known as PLIB dictionary model), which is the International Standard for the computer-interpretable representation and exchange of part library and catalogue data.

ISO 13584 distinguishes two basic levels for data exchange:

The level of parts libraries, where information about products is exchanged. Here basically property values and relationships to classes of products are described.

The level of data dictionaries (nowadays also called ontologies), where the meaning of property values and property classes is defined. This includes definitions of properties, definition of datatypes and units, relationships with other classes (components), etc.

Life cycle


CWA 15556-2:2006
99.60 Withdrawal effective
Oct 28, 2015