CWA 14722-3:2004

Embedded financial transactional IC card reader (embedded FINREAD) - Part 3: Functional and Security Specifications

General information

99.60 Withdrawal effective   Oct 28, 2015



CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement

35.240.15   Identification cards. Chip cards. Biometrics


This document defines functional and security requirements for the different components of the Embedded FINREAD device. It is structured in 2 parts as described hereafter:
Part I - Functional Specifications
¾ it gives an overall description of the Embedded FINREAD card reader architecture and components ;
¾ it describes in detail the different Embedded FINREAD card reader operating modes ;
¾ it specifies the characteristics and functional requirements of the main components of the Embedded FINREAD card reader ;
¾ it defines functions to be provided internally by the embedded FINREAD card reader environment for the Embedded FINREAD card reader applications ;
¾ it describes the functionality required by Embedded FINREAD aware applications to interface with the Embedded FINREAD card reader.
Part II - Security Specifications
¾ it describes security assumptions on which the risk analysis performed was based ;
¾ it lists security requirements for the different components of the Embedded FINREAD device;
¾ it describes the implementation of these requirements ;
¾ it describes key management ;
¾ it lists cryptographic functions and describes the random number generator provided by the core software.
The document Embedded FINREAD Security Objectives, Security Requirements and Rationale is added to this document as an Annex. The Security Requirements expressed in the Annex are set to be easily rewritten as a Protection Profile as regards the Common Criteria requirements.
The main objective of the Embedded FINREAD CWA is to provide a secure and interoperable solution which realistically matches the standards of the targeted industries.
According to the conclusions reached by part 2 of this CWA - Embedded FINREAD Technical Architecture and Functional Requirements, these specifications distinguish 3 different standard Java technologies for the runtime environment of the Embedded FINREAD card reader: J2ME/CLDC and MIDP 2.0, STIP Technology and DVB-MHP.

Life cycle


CWA 14722-3:2004


CWA 14722-3:2004
99.60 Withdrawal effective
Oct 28, 2015