CLC/TR 50538:2010

Guide to EMC Directive conformity of equipment designed for military purposes

Publication date:   Dec 17, 2010

General information

60.60 Standard published   Oct 29, 2010


CLC/TC 210 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

Technical Report

33.100.01   Electromagnetic compatibility in general



PDF - €61.76




This Technical Report is applicable to any non-exempt military equipment. This Technical Report does not affect the requirements to meet military standards. This Technical Report only covers aspects related to EMC as covered by the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC and other directives that address EMC. In this respect there is no distinction between civilian and defence equipment. For the purpose of this Technical Report the term “military” is equivalent to the term “defence”. Annex B describes Article 346 and Annex C provides the associated EC Council List of items under Article 346 [12]. The definitions in EMC Directive 2004/108/EC of “apparatus” and “fixed installations” as applied to military equipment are considered and guidance is given on applicability with the use of flow diagrams. For apparatus, the use of military standards to demonstrate compliance with the EMC Directive by using various assessment methods that do not use harmonised standards and a “gap” analysis tool for comparison of military standard results with harmonised standards is presented. This Technical Report also covers fixed installations using military equipment, and their impact on neighbouring environments. The conformity assessment procedures of EMC Directive 2004/108/EC have been reviewed and guidance given on the applicability and contents of detailed technical EMC assessment. Annex J includes some case studies to help clarify the extent and use of this Technical Report.

Life cycle


CLC/TR 50538:2010
60.60 Standard published
Oct 29, 2010