This Technical Report includes all the interpretations agreed up to the CLC/TC 61 meeting in December 2015.
It includes all Interpretations currently in force made by CENELEC TC 61 on EN 60335 series of standards. It also includes all decision sheets in force made by OSM/HA. Both types of interpretations are clearly identified. Interpretations relating to a particular standard are listed together, the Parts 2 of EN 60335 being associated with the appropriate edition of Part 1. For each standard, the interpretations are listed in the order of clauses and subclauses.
Each CENELEC TC 61 interpretation is identified by:
- the place and date of the meeting when it was agreed;
- the document number of the minutes of the meeting;
- the number of the reference document, when applicable;
- a code with the format YYYY/XX, where
YYYY is the year when the interpretation was decided,
XX is the number of the interpretation, restarted every year.
Each OSM/HA decision sheet is identified through the following template (...).
CLC/TR 50417:2014
CLC/TR 50417:2016
Standard published
Sep 23, 2016