90.20 Standard under periodical review Jan 15, 2025
CEN/TC 396 Earthworks
Technical Specification
13.080.99 Other standards related to soil quality | 93.020 Earthworks. Excavations. Foundation construction. Underground works
This document describes the reference method for the determination of the Index of dust emission (IDE) in soil treatment for earthworks.
This test concerns more particularly:
- limes in conformity with EN 459-1, Building lime - Part 1: Definitions, specifications and conformity criteria;
- cements in conformity with EN 197-1, Cement - Part 1: Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements;
- road binders in conformity with EN 13282-1, Hydraulic road binders - Part 1: Rapid hardening hydraulic road binders - Composition, specifications and conformity criteria;
- road binders in conformity with EN 13282-2, Hydraulic road binders - Part 2: Normal hardening hydraulic road binders - Composition, specifications and conformity criteria;
- fly ashes in conformity with EN 14227-4, Hydraulically bound mixtures - Specifications - Part 4: Fly ash for hydraulically bound mixtures;
- siliceous fly ashes in conformity with EN 450-1, Fly ash for concrete - Part 1: Definition, specifications and conformity criteria;
- ground-granulated blastfurnace slag in conformity with EN 15167-1, Ground granulated blast furnace slag for use in concrete, mortar and grout - Part 1: Definitions, specifications and conformity criteria.
CEN/TS 17693-2:2021
Standard under periodical review
Jan 15, 2025