99.60 Withdrawal effective Feb 20, 2013
CEN/TC 133 Copper and copper alloys
Technical Specification
77.120.30 Copper and copper alloys | 77.150.30 Copper products
This document provides a summary of material designations, compositions and the product forms in which they are available, for coppers and copper alloys standardized in European Standards by CEN/TC 133 "Copper and copper alloys".
It also includes copper alloys which are not standardized by CEN/TC 133 but by other CEN Technical Committees responsible for products in copper alloys, and other copper alloys not yet standardized. These alloys have been registered by CEN/TC 133 in accordance with the procedures laid down in CEN Report CR 12776.
CEN/TS 13388:2004
CEN/TS 13388:2008
Withdrawal effective
Feb 20, 2013
CEN/TS 13388:2013