CEN/TR 15463:2007

Characterization of sludges - Physical consistency - Thixotropic behaviour and piling behaviour CEN/TR 15463:2007

Publication date:   Nov 30, 2007

General information

60.60 Standard published   Apr 18, 2007


CEN/TC 308 Characterization and management of sludge

Technical Report

13.030.20   Liquid wastes. Sludge



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This CEN-Report "Physical Consistency" derives from the Desk Studies "Physical Properties -Flowability"(HORIZONTAL Report No. 21 [60]) and "Physical Properties - Solidity, Thixotropic Behaviour andPiling Behaviour" (HORIZONTAL Report No. 22 [61]) of the Horizontal Project. The "Horizontal" project hasthe objective to develop horizontal and harmonised European standards in the fields of sludge, bio-waste andsoil to facilitate regulation of these major streams in the multiple decisions related to different uses anddisposal governed by EU Directives. The Horizontal Project includes the Work Package 7 "Mechanicalproperties" consisting in the development of Desk Studies on physical consistency, because it is recognizedthat this property is very important for the characterization of sludge, since it affects almost all treatment,utilization and disposal operations, such as storage, pumping, transportation, handling, land-spreading,dewatering, drying, landfilling. The importance of the physical consistency is also true for the characterizationof bio-waste and soil. Also handling and utilization of many other materials, such as cement and asphalt arestrictly depending on their physical consistency. The needs for control of operations and also materialcharacteristics are described.

Life cycle


CEN/TR 15463:2007
60.60 Standard published
Apr 18, 2007