
European requirements for biometric products – Part 5: Face biometrics cen:proj:77621

General information

10.99 New project approved   Nov 13, 2024


CEN/TC 224 Personal identification and related personal devices with secure element, systems, operations and privacy in a multi sectorial environment

Technical Specification


This TS series provide a generic framework for the establishment of requirements and their evaluation methodology for biometric products. The requirements will be established depending on the biometric mode considered, and they will be adapted to each scenario, through the definition of a variety of application profiles.
This series of standards are expected to provide the evaluation methodology, the individual tests, and the application profiles (with their particular requirements).
This document is focussed on face biometrics, and provides the specifics of this biometric mode for the application of all the specifications provided in parts 1 till 3. It also defines a set of application profiles, that detail de applicable tests, the evaluation parameters and the assessment criteria.
In detail, this document defines, for face biometrics:
• General aspects of a face biometric product
• Common resources needed for the evaluation
• Each of the possible tests to be applied
• Application profiles for different kinds of face biometrics products

The Technical Specifications within this series can be taken by any certification body and/or sector, to define and evaluate the requirements for their biometric products within their selected applications.
In case a country has developed regulations and/or specifications that collide with the ones in this series of Technical Specifications, the national regulations/specifications have a higher prevalence over this document.
NOTE Where applicable, BSI TR 03121 has prevalence over this series of Technical Specifications.

Life cycle


10.99 New project approved
Nov 13, 2024