
Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment — Safety — Part 13: Combustion and fuel handling systems in the petrochemical and chemical industry

General information

00.60 Close of review   Aug 2, 2018


CEN/TC 186 Industrial thermoprocessing - Safety

European Norm


EN 746-13 specifies the safety requirements for combustion and fuel handling systems in the petrochemical and chemical industry.
EN 746-13 deals with significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to combustion and fuel handling systems in the petrochemical and chemical industry, when used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer.
EN 746-13 covers:
— fuel pipework downstream of and including the manual isolating valve;
— combustion air supply (including oxygen and oxygen enriched combustion air) and flue gas system;
— burner(s), burner system and ignition device;
— functional requirements for safety related control system.
EN 746-13 does not deal with the hazards created by the release of flammable substances from the products processed in the TPE.
EN 746-13 is not applicable to electrical cabling and power cabling upstream of the TPE control panel/protective system.
This document is applicable to fired heaters (including reformer furnaces or cracking furnaces) in the petrochemical and chemical industries or equipment not covered under EN°ISO°12100

Life cycle


00.60 Close of review
Aug 2, 2018