
Residential solid fuel burning appliances - Determination of particulate emission - Test method cen:proj:30874

General information

00.98 Proposal for new project abandoned   Aug 7, 2017


CEN/TC 295 Residential solid fuel burning appliances

Technical Specification


This European Technical Specification (TS) describes a method to determine particulate emissions in the flue gas of residential solid fuel burning appliances (fed manually or by automatic feeding devices).
The test method is based on gravimetric particulate emission measurement collecting the entire flue gas flow under constant volume sampling (CVS) conditions by means of a dilution tunnel. The dilution tunnel parameters are kept in similar ranges for temperature levels and dilution ratios in the test runs for the different appliance burn rates and fuel loads as specified in the hENs.
The particulate emission comprises the total mass of solid and condensed matter of various shape, structure and density emitted in a test cycle of a solid fuel burning appliance.

Life cycle


00.98 Proposal for new project abandoned
Aug 7, 2017