
Classification of sources of incoherent optical radiation depending on the radiation emission level cen:proj:30853

General information

00.98 Proposal for new project abandoned   Feb 1, 2008


CEN/TC 169 Light and lighting

European Norm


EU-directive 2006/25/EC requires the assessment of risks caused by optical (ultraviolet, visible and infrared) radiation exposures at workplaces. An alternative to costly and time consuming radiation exposure measurements is the risk classification of radiation sources. Following EN 60825-1 for lasers and EN 12198-1 for machinery the emissions of ultraviolet, visible and infrared radiation of sources are determined. Depending on the emission level a risk class is then allocated to the source. So the user may easily assess the risk when using a classified source. The standard will specify the procedures for the radiation emission determination and the allocation of risk classes. It applies to all types of artificial sources of incoherent optical radiation with the exception of laser equipment, machinery and lamps and lamp systems.

Life cycle


00.98 Proposal for new project abandoned
Feb 1, 2008