Safety Standards for e-Transporters: A Comprehensive Guide

In the fast-evolving landscape of urban mobility, electrically powered personal e-Transporters (PeTs), such as electric scooters, hoverboards, and e-bikes, have emerged as both a boon for convenient transportation and a point of concern for public safety. As these devices gain popularity for their ease of use and environmental benefits, their safety standards have become a paramount concern, especially given their potential to cause accidents in both private and public spaces. The complexities of ensuring the safety of these vehicles lie in their design and operation, particularly because their speed and steering controls are predominantly electric or electronic.

Recognizing the importance of mitigating risks associated with PeTs, a comprehensive framework of European and International standards has been established. These standards serve as essential technical references for a broad spectrum of stakeholders, including manufacturers, personal e-transport service providers, test houses, and market surveillance authorities. They outline rigorous safety requirements and testing methodologies that PeTs must adhere to, aiming to protect users and the public from potential hazards.

Moreover, these standards are dynamic, evolving with technological advancements and scientific discoveries. They incorporate the latest in safety engineering, materials science, and risk assessment methodologies to ensure that PeTs are as safe as possible. For instance, the inclusion of guidelines on the use of nanomaterials reflects a forward-looking approach to regulatory oversight, acknowledging the potential of new technologies to both enhance product performance and introduce new risks.

Accessibility to these standards is crucial for ensuring compliance and promoting safety across the board. In this context, resources like have become invaluable. offers a centralized platform where stakeholders can easily find and track the current standards applicable to electrically powered personal e-Transporters. This accessibility not only aids in the development and distribution of safer PeTs but also supports ongoing education and awareness efforts for all parties involved.

As we navigate towards more sustainable and tech-driven modes of transportation, the role of stringent safety standards cannot be overstated. They provide a foundation upon which the future of personal transportation can be built, ensuring that innovation in mobility goes hand in hand with the safety and well-being of the public.

E-Transporters - Part 1: Terminology and classification

60.60 Standard published

CLC/SR 125

E-Transporters - Part 2-1: Safety requirements and test methods for personal e-Transporters

60.60 Standard published

CLC/SR 125

E-Transporters - Part 3-1: Performance test method for total run time of e-scooters with consideration to environmental conditions of actual use

60.60 Standard published

CLC/SR 125

E-Transporters - Part 3-2: Performance test methods for mobility of cargo e-Transporters

60.60 Standard published

CLC/SR 125

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-114: Particular requirements for Personal-e-Transporters

60.60 Standard published

TC 61

E-transporters - Part 2-2: Safety requirements and test methods for autonomous cargo e-transporters

10.99 New project approved

CLC/SR 125