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Water quality - Guidance standard for the identification, enumeration and interpretation of benthic diatom samples from running waters

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 230

Water quality - Sampling of fish with multi-mesh gillnets

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 230

Water quality - Performance requirements and conformity test procedures for water monitoring equipment - Automated sampling devices (samplers) for water and waste water

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 230

Water quality - Determination of short-chain polychlorinated alkanes (SCCPs) in water - Method using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and negative-ion chemical ionization (NCI) (ISO 12010:2012)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 230

Water quality - Determination of orthophosphate and total phosphorus contents by flow analysis (FIA and CFA) - Part 2: Method by continuous flow analysis (CFA) (ISO 15681-2:2003)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 230

Water quality - Guidelines for quantitative sampling and sample processing of marine soft-bottom macrofauna (ISO 16665:2005)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 230