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Coaxial connectors used in nuclear laboratory instrumentation

60.60 Standard published

TC 45

Nuclear instrumentation - Nomenclature (identification) of scintillators and scintillation detectors and standard dimensions of scintillators

60.60 Standard published

TC 45

Nuclear instrumentation - Photomultiplier tubes for scintillation counting - Test procedures

60.60 Standard published

TC 45

High-voltage coaxial connectors used in nuclear instrumentation

60.60 Standard published

TC 45

Equipment for minehead assay and sorting radioactive ores in containers

60.60 Standard published

TC 45

Nuclear instrumentation - Density gauges utilizing ionizing radiation - Definitions and test methods

60.60 Standard published

TC 45

Amendment 1 - Standard test procedures for semiconductor X-ray energy spectrometers

60.60 Standard published

TC 45

Standard test procedures for semiconductor X-ray energy spectrometers

60.60 Standard published

TC 45

Nuclear instrumentation - ECL (emitter coupled logic) front panel interconnections in counter logic

60.60 Standard published

TC 45

Test procedures for germanium gamma-ray detectors

60.60 Standard published

TC 45

Level measuring systems utilizing ionizing radiation with continuous or switching output

60.60 Standard published

TC 45

Calibration and usage of ionization chamber systems for assay of radionuclides

60.60 Standard published

TC 45

Nuclear instrumentation - Portable gamma radiation meters and spectrometers used for prospecting - Definitions, requirements and calibration

60.60 Standard published

TC 45

Nuclear instrumentation - Digital bus for NIM instruments

60.60 Standard published

TC 45

Nuclear instrumentation - Liquid-scintillation counting systems - Performance verification

60.60 Standard published

TC 45

Nuclear instrumentation - Bore-hole apparatus for X-ray fluorescence analysis

60.60 Standard published

TC 45

Nuclear instrumentation - Thickness measurement systems utilizingionizing radiation - Definitions and test methods

60.60 Standard published

TC 45

Nuclear instrumentation - High-purity germanium crystals for radiation detectors - Measurement methods of basic characteristics

60.60 Standard published

TC 45