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Amendment 1 - Active Assisted Living (AAL) use cases
60.60 Standard published
Active assisted living (AAL) system development guidance for AAL service providers
60.60 Standard published
Economic evaluation of active assisted living services - Part 1: Framework
60.60 Standard published
Economic evaluation of active assisted living services - Part 2: Example of use - Monitoring patients with chronic diseases
60.60 Standard published
Active assisted living (AAL) reference architecture and architecture model - Part 1: Reference architecture
60.60 Standard published
Active assisted living (AAL) reference architecture and architecture model - Part 2: Architecture model
60.60 Standard published
Active assisted living (AAL) guidance for education and training of persons working in the field of AAL
60.60 Standard published
Safety aspects – Guidelines for adult AAL care recipients in standards and other specifications
60.60 Standard published
Ethical considerations of artificial intelligence (AI) when applied in the active assisted living (AAL) context
60.60 Standard published
Reference standards portfolio (RSP) on interoperability and connectivity for active assisted living (AAL) in the connected home environment (CHE)
60.60 Standard published
Active assisted living (AAL) use case standards inventory and mapping
60.60 Standard published
Ageing societies – A Guide to enhancing safety and convenience for older persons in smart home environment
20.99 WD approved for registration as CD
Cooperative multiple systems in connected home environments - AAL functional safety requirements of electronic safety-related systems
20.99 WD approved for registration as CD
Functional performance criteria for AAL robots used in connected home environment
60.00 Standard under publication
Cooperative Multiple Systems in Connected Home Environments – AAL SOTIF of E/E Systems
20.99 WD approved for registration as CD
Guidance for AAL services based on the smart speaker in connected home environment (CHE)
00.00 Proposal for new project received
Collaboration between AAL users and AAL systems
00.00 Proposal for new project received