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Ships and marine technology — Maritime port facility security assessments and security plan development
90.93 Standard confirmed
Electronic record books for ships — Technical specifications and operational requirements
90.60 Close of review
Ships and marine technology — Specification for software-based planned maintenance systems
60.60 Standard published
Ships and marine technology — Ship software logging system for operational technology — Part 2: Electronic service reports
60.60 Standard published
Ships and marine technology — Ship software logging system for operational technology
90.92 Standard to be revised
Ships and marine technology — Electronic port clearance (EPC) — Part 1: Message structures and application programming interfaces
60.60 Standard published
Ships and marine technology — Electronic port clearance (EPC) — Part 2: Core data elements
90.92 Standard to be revised
Ships and marine technology — Electronic port clearance (EPC) — Part 3: Data elements for ship and port operation
90.92 Standard to be revised
Ships and marine technology — Ship software logging system for operational technology
30.00 Committee draft (CD) registered
Ships and marine technology --Track and trace events for vessels and cargo in maritime transport
00.00 Proposal for new project received
Track and trace events for vessels and cargo in maritime transport
00.00 Proposal for new project received
Track and trace events for vessels and cargo in maritime transport
20.00 New project registered in TC/SC work programme
Ships and marine technology — Electronic port clearance (EPC) — Data elements — Part 2: Core data elements
30.99 CD approved for registration as DIS