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Chemical analysis of ferrous materials - Determination of manganese in steels and irons - Electrometric titration method

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 459/SC 2

Steels and cast irons - Determination of nickel content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method (FAAS)

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 459/SC 2

Steels - Determination of calcium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method (FAAS)

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 459/SC 2

Steels - Determination of niobium - Spectrophotometric method

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 459/SC 2

Steels - Determination of nitrogen (trace amounts) - Spectrophotometric method

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 459/SC 2

Steels - Determination of lead content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method (FAAS)

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 459/SC 2

Chemical analysis of ferrous materials - Determination of phosphorus in non-alloyed steels and irons - Molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 459/SC 2

Steels and cast irons - Determination of chromium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method (FAAS)

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 459/SC 2

Chemical analysis of ferrous materials - Determination of boron in steels - Spectrophotometric method

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 459/SC 2

Chemical analysis of ferrous materials - Determination of titanium in steels and cast irons - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method

90.60 Close of review

CEN/TC 459/SC 2

Chemical analysis of ferrous materials - Determination of arsenic in steel and iron - Spectrophotometric method

90.20 Standard under periodical review

CEN/TC 459/SC 2

Iron and steel - European standards for the determination of chemical composition

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 459/SC 2

Chemical analysis of ferrous materials - Determination of oxygen in steel and iron - Part 1: Sampling and preparation of steel samples for oxygen determination

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 459/SC 2

Chemical analysis of ferrous materials - Determination of oxygen content in steel and iron - Part 2: Infrared method after fusion under inert gas

90.20 Standard under periodical review

CEN/TC 459/SC 2

Steel and iron - Determination of titanium content - Diantipyrylmethane spectrophotometric method (ISO 10280:1991)

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 459/SC 2

Routine method for analysis of high alloy steel by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF) by using a near by technique

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 459/SC 2

Optical emission analysis of low alloy steels (routine method) - Guidelines for the preparation of standard routine method for optical emission spectrometry

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 459/SC 2

European certified reference materials (EURONORM-CRMs) for the determination of the chemical composition of iron and steel products

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 459/SC 2