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Transportation services - Guidance notes on the application of EN ISO 9001:2000 to the road transportation, storage, distribution and railway goods industries
90.93 Standard confirmed
Furniture removal activities - Furniture removal for private individuals - Service specification
60.60 Standard published
Transport Quality Management System - Road, Rail and Inland navigation transport - Quality management system requirements to supplement EN ISO 9001 for the transport of dangerous goods with regard to safety
90.93 Standard confirmed
Transportation services - Good transport chains - System for declaration of performance conditions
90.60 Close of review
Transportation - Logistics and services - Public passenger transport - Service quality definition, targeting and measurement
90.60 Close of review
Transport - Logistics and Services - Goods transport chains - Code of practice for the provision of cargo transport services
90.60 Close of review
Greenhouse gases - Quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions arising from transport chain operations (ISO 14083:2023)
60.60 Standard published
Freight transportation services - Declaration and reporting of environmental performance in freight transport chains
60.60 Standard published
Furniture removal activities - Storage of furniture and personal effects for private individuals - Part 1: Specification for the storage facility and related storage provision
90.93 Standard confirmed
Furniture removal activities - Storage of furniture and personal effects for private individuals - Part 2: Provision of the service
90.93 Standard confirmed
Transport service - City logistics - Guideline for the definition of limited access to city centers
90.93 Standard confirmed
Public passenger transport - Basic requirements and recommendations for systems that measure delivered service quality
90.60 Close of review
Transport Services - Customer communications for passenger transport services - A Universal Design approach
60.60 Standard published