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Characteristic values for welded thermoplastics constructions - Determination of allowable stresses and moduli for design of thermoplastics equipment

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 249

Plastics - Generic identification and marking of plastics products (ISO 11469:2016)

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 249

Plastics - Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) semi-finished products - Part 1: Requirements and designation (ISO 13000-1:2021)

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 249

Plastics - Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) semi-finished products - Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties (ISO 13000-2:2021)

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 249

Road vehicles - Post Shredder Technology recycling - Design recommendations for plastic products

50.60 Close of voting. Proof returned by secretariat

CEN/TC 301

Regulated chemicals in products - Determination of the content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by gas chromatography coupled to mass-spectrometry in plastic and rubber in articles supplied to the general public that come into direct contact with human skin and oral cavity

40.60 Close of voting

CEN/TC 462

Plastics — Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) semi-finished products — Part 1: Requirements and designation

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 61/SC 9

Plastics — Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) semi-finished products — Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 61/SC 9

Road vehicles — Tests for rigid plastic safety glazing materials

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 22/SC 35

Plastics moulded parts — Tolerances and acceptance conditions

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 61/SC 11

Rubber — Tolerances for products — Part 1: Dimensional tolerances

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 45/SC 4

Rubber — Tolerances for products — Part 2: Geometrical tolerances

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 45/SC 4

Rubber — Compatibility between hydraulic fluids and standard elastomeric materials

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 45/SC 4

Rubber and rubber products — Environmental aspects — General guidelines for their inclusion in standards

60.60 Standard published