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Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety switching devices for limiting the pressure - Requirements and tests

90.60 Close of review

CEN/TC 182

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety and environmental requirements - Positive displacement refrigerant compressors

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 182

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Pressure relief devices and their associated piping - Methods for calculation

90.60 Close of review

CEN/TC 182

Pressure equipment for refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Part 1: Vessels - General requirements

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 182

Pressure equipment for refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Part 2: Piping - General requirements

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 182

Performance of portable locating leak detectors and of fixed gas detectors for all refrigerants

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 182

Scheme for carrying out a risk assessment for flammable refrigerants in case of household refrigerators and freezers

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 182

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Qualification of tightness of components and joints (ISO 14903:2025)

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 182

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Flexible pipe elements, vibration isolators, expansion joints and non-metallic tubes - Requirements, design and installation

90.60 Close of review

CEN/TC 182

Installation of refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment containing flammable refrigerants, complementing existing standards

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 182

Operation, servicing, maintenance, repair and decommissioning of refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment containing flammable refrigerants, complementing existing standards

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 182

State of the art on the use of flammable refrigerant alternatives, in particular from class A3, in refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 182

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - System flow diagrams and piping and instrument diagrams - Layout and symbols

90.60 Close of review

CEN/TC 182

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Valves - Requirements, testing and marking - Amendment 1 (ISO 21922:2021/Amd 1:2024)

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 182

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Valves - Requirements, testing and marking (ISO 21922:2021)

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 182

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Competence of personnel (ISO 22712:2023)

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 182

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Pressure relief devices and their associated piping - Methods for calculation (ISO 24664:2024)

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 182

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety and environmental requirements - Part 1: Basic requirements, definitions, classification and selection criteria

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 182