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Environmental standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems - Glossary of terms

10.99 New project approved


Design for All - Accessibility following a Design for All approach in products, goods and services - Extending the range of users

90.92 Standard to be revised


Design for All - Accessibility following a Design for All approach in products, goods and services - Extending the range of users

90.92 Standard to be revised


Standardization and related activities - General vocabulary (ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004)

60.60 Standard published


Standardization and related activities - General vocabulary (ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004)

60.60 Standard published


Terminological entries in standards — Part 1: General requirements and examples of presentation

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 37/SC 2

Terminological entries in standards — Part 2: Adoption of standardized terminological entries

90.92 Standard to be revised

ISO/TC 37/SC 2

Terminology work in support of multilingual communication — Part 1: Fundamentals of translation-oriented terminography

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 37/SC 2

Project management guidelines for terminology standardization

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 37/SC 2

Model-Based Standards Authoring MBSA

30.99 CD approved for registration as DIS

ISO/TC 184/SC 5

Traditional Chinese medicine — Priority list of single herbal medicines for developing standards

30.99 CD approved for registration as DIS

ISO/TC 249

Guide for addressing environmental issues in product standards

90.60 Close of review

ISO/TC 207

Safety of machinery — Rules for drafting and presentation of safety standards

90.60 Close of review

ISO/TC 199

Guidelines for addressing sustainability in standards

90.60 Close of review


Guidelines for addressing climate change in standards

90.92 Standard to be revised


Intelligent transport systems — Cooperative ITS — Part 2: Guidelines for standards documents

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 204

Intelligent transport systems — Cooperative ITS — Part 3: Release procedures for standards documents

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 204

Cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) — Guidelines on the usage of standards — Part 1: Standardization landscape and releases

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 204