SBS Priority Topic 34: Accessibility

Keywords: ISO, IEC, CEN, CENELEC, standards, accessibility, assistive design, assistive, accessible, usability, ergonomy, ergonomics, human-centric, products, services, building, small, medium, enterprises, SMEs, participation, development, activities.

Related standards or drafts


Accessibility terms and definitions

30.97 End of interruption of work - split/merged

TC 100/TA 16

Information technology — User interface component accessibility — Part 24: Visual presentation of audio information in sign languages

00.98 Proposal for new project abandoned


Soil quality — Bioaccessibility of organic and inorganic pollutants from contaminated soil and soil-like materials

50.00 Final text received or FDIS registered for formal approval

ISO/TC 190/SC 7

Guidance for use in the application of ISO/IEC Guide 71:2014 — Part 2: Ergonomics design considerations for accessibility

10.98 New project rejected

ISO/TC 159

Information technology for learning, education and training — Language accessibility and human interface equivalencies (HIEs) in e-learning applications — Part 1: Framework and reference model for semantic interoperability

30.99 CD approved for registration as DIS


Ergonomics of human-system interaction — Part 171: Guidance on software accessibility

30.60 Close of voting/ comment period

ISO/TC 159/SC 4

This web page is build in collaboration with the European association Small Business Standards (SBS), that supports the small and medium enterprises in Europe to participate and benefit the most of European and International standards.

ISO, IEC and CEN, CENELEC are organizations that are dedicated to developing standards for products and services in order to make them more accessible. These standards are essential for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in order to increase their customer base and ensure their products and services are easily accessible to all.

ISO, IEC and CEN, CENELEC standards provide compliance guidelines that are in line with government regulations, and are typically the basis upon which legislation is created. This means that SMEs can confidently follow these standards and meet the required regulations. The standards ensure that products are safe and fit for purpose, and that services adhere to the same quality levels. This helps to reduce the risk of any injury or technical failure that could result from non-compliant products or services.

The standards also make it easier for SMEs to compete in the wider market, as their products and services can be trusted to meet certain levels of quality. This gives SMEs a competitive edge over larger organizations, as they can provide products and services that are of the same quality, yet cost less. Additionally, ISO, IEC and CEN, CENELEC standards help to raise the overall quality of products and services available in the market, which benefits both consumers and businesses.

It is important for SMEs to participate in standards development activities related to accessibility, as this will help to ensure that their products and services are up to date with the current regulations and quality standards. Furthermore, being involved in these activities allows SMEs to be directly involved in the process of developing standards, and can even help to influence the final product, giving them a unique competitive advantage.

In conclusion, ISO, IEC and CEN, CENELEC standards are essential for small and medium enterprises in order to meet regulations, provide products and services of a high quality, and remain competitive in the market. Participation in standards development activities related to accessibility is an important part of this process, and should be encouraged amongst SMEs.