Roomheaters fired by solid fuel. (except equipments with shared chimney) - Materials, design and construction characteristics - Safety tests - Performance tests instruction verification and marking verification

Estufas que utilizan combustible sólido (excepto equipos con chimenea compartida) Roomheaters fired by solid fuel. (except equipments with shared chimney) Características de materiales, diseño y construcción. Ensayos de seguridad (excepto ensayo de seguridad de tiro natural apdo. 5.1 y ensayos de seguridad eléctrica, apdo. 5.7) Ensayos de prestaciones. Verificación de instrucciones. Verificación de marcado (Excepto los ensayos de caracterización de los combustibles) Materials, design and construction characteristics - Safety tests (except safety test of natural charge, section 5.1. and tests of electrical safety, section 5.7) - Performance tests Instruction verifications Marking verification; EN 13240

Laboratories related to this testing method

Standards related to this testing method

Roomheaters fired by solid fuel - Requirements and test methods - National Annex to BDS EN 13240:2006

60.60 Standard published


Roomheaters fired by solid fuel - Requirements and test methods

60.60 Standard published
