prEN ISO 6781-1

Performance of buildings - Detection of heat air and moisture irregulartites in buildings by infrared methods - Part 1 General Procedures prEN ISO 6781-1

General information

30.98 Project deleted   Feb 7, 2020


CEN/TC 89 Thermal performance of buildings and building components

European Norm


This part of ISO 6781 specifies the general procedures for thermography of residential, commercial and instituional / industrial buildings and superseds and replaces ISO 6781:1983.

The standard (Part1) provides up-to-date general procedures, guidelines and criteria covering the applicability of IRT techniques for builidngs, customer responsibilities, qualification of IRT personnel, equpiment requirments, IRT techniques, field and baseline measurement requirments for buildings, data collection, diagnosis and prognosis from results, safety considerations and test reports. Example thermograms of heat, air and moisture irregualrities are provided.

This standard (Part 1) is independent and stand-alone of all other parts of the 6781 standard. Other parts of the standard provide specific details for specific thermographic applications for practicioners.

Life cycle


prEN ISO 6781-1
30.98 Project deleted
Feb 7, 2020