prEN ISO 15604

Fertilizers - Determination of different forms of nitrogen in the same sample, containing nitrogen as nitric, ammoniacal, urea and cyanamide nitrogen (ISO 15604:2016) prEN ISO 15604

General information

40.98 Project deleted   Jan 7, 2020


CEN/TC 260 Fertilizers and liming materials

European Norm

65.080   Fertilizers


ISO 15604:2016 specifies a method for the determination of any one form of nitrogen in the presence of any other form.
The method is applicable to any fertilizer provided for in the Regulation (EC) No 2003/2003, Annex I[2] containing nitrogen in various forms.

Life cycle


prEN ISO 15604
40.98 Project deleted
Jan 7, 2020


Adopted from ISO 15604:2016 IDENTICAL