30.98 Project deleted Oct 11, 2017
CLC/TC 8X System aspects of electrical energy supply
European Norm
This EN is intended to describe the (type) tests to be performed in order to demonstrate compliance to the technical requirements given in the following documents:
- Future EN 50549-1-x (follow-up of TS 50549-1 and EN 50438)
- Future EN 50549-2 (follow-up of TS 50549-2)
The required procedures are generally applicable to generating units with power up to 1MW. For testing generating units above 1MW tests might need to be adapted or other applicable documents shall be used as published by the relevant product committees.
Legislation related to this standard
Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631 of 14 April 2016 establishing a network code on requirements for grid connection of generators
prEN 50549-10
Project deleted
Oct 11, 2017