prEN 17734

Liquid petroleum products — Determination of hydrocarbon types and oxygenates in automotive spark ifnition engine fuels - Gas chromatography with vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy detection (GC-VUV) prEN 17734

General information

40.98 Project deleted   Jul 19, 2021


CEN/TC 19 Gaseous and liquid fuels, lubricants and related products of petroleum, synthetic and biological origin.

European Norm

75.160.20   Liquid fuels


This test method is a procedure for the determination in percent mass or percent volume of hydrocarbon group types (paraffins, isoparaffins,saturates, olefins, naphthenes, aromatics), methanol, ethanol, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes,methanol, ethanol, MTBE, ETBE, and TAME. naphthalene, and methylnaphthalenes in automotive spark-ignition engine fuels using gas chromatography and vacuum ultraviolet detection (GC-VUV).
The concentration ranges for which precision has been determined are as follows:
Property Units Applicable Range
Saturates % Volume 3.5 to 85
Olefins % Volume 0.011 to 44.002
Aromatics % Volume 14.743 to 58.124
Benzene % Volume 0.09 to 2.5
Toluene % Volume 0.698 to 31.377
Ethylbenzene % Volume 0.5 to 3.2
Xylenes % Volume 3 to 19
Methanol % Volume 0.063 to 3.426
Ethanol %Volume 0.042 to 15.991
MTBE % Volume 0.2 to 22
ETBE % Volume 0.2 to 22
TAME % Volume 0.2 to 22
Oxygen % Mass 0.05 to 3.7

The method may be applicable to other concentration ranges, to other properties or to other hydrocarbon streams, however precision has not been determined. The method may be applicable to other oxygenates including iso-propanol, isobutanol, tert-butanol, n-propanol, acetone, and di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), however precision has not been determined

Life cycle


prEN 17734
40.98 Project deleted
Jul 19, 2021


Adopted from D8071 MODIFIED