prEN 16272-1 rev

Railway applications - Track - Noise barriers and related devices acting on airborne sound propagation - Test method for determining the acoustic performance - Part 1: Intrinsic characteristics - Sound absorption in the laboratory under diffuse sound field conditions prEN 16272-1 rev

General information

30.98 Project deleted   Jan 28, 2019


CEN/TC 256 Railway applications

European Norm


This European Standard specifies the laboratory method for measuring the sound absorption performance of railway noise barriers and related devices acting on airborne sound propagation in reverberant conditions. It covers the assessment of the intrinsic sound absorption performance of devices that can reasonably be assembled inside the testing facility described in EN ISO 354.
This method is not intended for the determination of the intrinsic characteristics of sound absorption of noise barriers and related devices acting on airborne sound propagation to be installed on railways in non-reverberant conditions.
The test method in EN ISO 354 referred to in this European Standard excludes devices that act as weakly damped resonators. Some devices will depart significantly from these requirements and in these cases, care is needed in interpreting the results.

Life cycle


EN 16272-1:2012


prEN 16272-1 rev
30.98 Project deleted
Jan 28, 2019