40.97 End of interruption of work - split/merged Aug 25, 2005
CEN/TC 89 Thermal performance of buildings and building components
European Norm
Energy labelling of buildings requires a method valid for both new and existing buildings, and treating them in an equivalent way.
In new buildings all required information exists to compute energy use, when necessary using conventional occupancy data; but the actual energy use is not available. In existing buildings, actual energy use is known in some cases from energy meters, but often some information, such as U-values of components or actual air change rate is missing. Since energy use for space heating and cooling strongly depends on occupants' behaviour and that different uses are involved, actual energy use cannot be used for energy labelling of the building without correction.
Therefore, a methodology should be developed to get the same results from different sets of data. The work will propose a methodology to assess missing data and to calculate a "standard" energy use for space heating and cooling. This work item also includes a methodology that allows determining the energy effectiveness of possible improvements.
prEN 15203
End of interruption of work - split/merged
Aug 25, 2005