prEN 13940-2

Health informatics - System of concepts to support continuity of care - Part 2: Health care process and workflow prEN 13940-2

General information

40.98 Project deleted   Mar 16, 2011


CEN/TC 251 Health informatics

European Norm

01.040.35   Information technology (Vocabularies) | 35.240.80   IT applications in health care technology


The purpose of this European Standard is to enable communication at the semantic level between information systems in health care. This part standard complements Part 1. Its specific purpose is to define a system of concepts enabling the management, including communication, of the necessary information about the core process of health care provision to an individual subject of care and the corresponding workflow, so as to support its continuity, taking into consideration decision processes, quality control, and resource management. It provides the terminology for planning, delivery and follow-up of those activities that form the overall process.
This part standard applies a process modelling technique to identify the process objects, activities and sub-processes. It also takes into consideration the resource aspects, the responsibilities of health care providers, and means for patients' participation. Whenever continuity of health care delivery implies social interventions as part of, or in support to, the process towards health recovery, these are to be mentioned wherever relevant in the process and workflow; but addressing those social interventions in depth is not part of the scope of this European Standard.

Life cycle


prEN 13940-2
40.98 Project deleted
Mar 16, 2011