prEN 12541

Sanitary tapware - Pressure flushing valves and automatic closing urinal valves PN 10 prEN 12541

Publication date:   Jun 27, 2024

General information

40.60 Close of voting   Sep 19, 2024


CEN/TC 164 Water supply

European Norm

91.140.70   Sanitary installations



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This document applies to flushing valves for WCs and valves for urinals, with automatic hydraulic closure, intended for:
- WC pans EN 997;
- single flush urinals EN 13407;
- siphon acting urinals EN 13407.
It does not apply to no-contact detection valves.
It is intended to specify:
- marking and identification, physico-chemical, dimensional, leaktightness, pressure behaviour, hydraulic, mechanical endurance and acoustic characteristics of flushing valves for WCs and urinals with automatic closure;
- test methods used to verify these characteristics;
- and to determine requirements for the atmospheric interrupter which shall be an integral part of the WC flushing valve.
It applies in the following pressure and temperature conditions:
Table 1 — Conditions of use for tapware
Dynamic Pressure range recommended for a good working Urinals
WC DN 15
WC DN 20 0,1 MPa ≤ P ≤ 0,5 MPa
(1 bar ≤ P ≤ 5 bar)
WC DN 25 0,08 MPa ≤ P ≤ 0,25 MPa
(0,8 bar ≤ P ≤ 2,5 bar)
WC DN 32 0,08 MPa ≤ P ≤ 0,25 MPa
(0,8 bar ≤ P ≤ 2,5 bar)
Maximum static pressure 1 MPa (10 bar)
Water temperature ≤ 25 °C
NOTE 1 Although this document limits the pressure for WC DN 25 and WC DN 32 valves till 0,25 MPa (2,5 bar), some European countries have legislation and recommendations for higher pressures.
Health and quality requirements in accordance to European and national legislation for final materials in contact with water intended for human consumption are not covered by this document.

Life cycle


EN 12541:2002


prEN 12541
40.60 Close of voting
Sep 19, 2024