prEN 12326-3

Schist and schistose stone types for discontinuous roofing - Requirements and test methods. prEN 12326-3

General information

30.98 Project deleted   Apr 8, 2013


CEN/TC 128 Roof covering products for discontinuous laying and products for wall cladding

European Norm


This European standard specifies the performance requirements and corresponding test methods for roofing slate products of schist and schistose stone types as defined in 3.2 and 3.3 and uses for assembly into discontinuous roofing.
This European standard provides also for the evaluation of conformity and for marking of the roofing slate products.
This European standard covers als characteristics that are of importance to the trade.
This European standard does not cover roofing slate and carboante slate, for mhich EN 12326-1 and EN 12326-2 applies. It does not cover treated roofing slates, for which prEN 12326-4 applies.
This European Standard is not apllicable to bonded cladding (cladding fixed with adhesives) and cladding fixed with dowels and cramps. In these cases EN 1469 applies.
The performance of a roof or wall constructed with these products depends not only on the properties of the product as required by this document, but also on the design, construction and performance of the roof or wall as a whole in relation to the environment and conditions in use. This standard does not cover installation or construction specific requirements.

Related legislation

Legislation related to this standard


Construction products


Regulation (eu) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 march 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing council directive 89/106/eec

Life cycle


prEN 12326-3
30.98 Project deleted
Apr 8, 2013