prEN 1170-5 rev

Precast concrete products - Test method for glass-fibre reinforced cement - Part 5: Measuring bending strength, "Complete bending test" method prEN 1170-5 rev

General information

00.98 Proposal for new project abandoned   Sep 28, 2022


CEN/TC 229 Precast concrete products

European Norm


This European Standard specifies a test method for identifying the stress and deformation performance, at the limit of proportionality and on failure, of a GRC composition subjected to bending. It is also used to establish, for a given composition of GRC, the relationship between the conventional strength at 28 days and the strength at 7 days (see prEN 1170-4)

Life cycle


prEN 1170-5 rev
00.98 Proposal for new project abandoned
Sep 28, 2022