prCEN/TS 16266

Curriculum for training ICT Professionals in Universal Design prCEN/TS 16266

General information

30.98 Project deleted   Sep 25, 2019


CEN/TC 428 ICT Professionalism and Digital Competences

Technical Specification


The goal of this CEN workshop agreement is to describe and recommend a curriculum for training ICT professionals in the Universal Design approach. Universal Design aims to design ICT products and services so that, to the widest extent possible, they can be used by everyone without the need for specialised solutions or adaptations and regardless of a person’s age, ability or disability or physical environment. Accessible Design (AD) is closely related to Universal Design. It emphasises adaptive design and interoperability with assistive devices. These training guidelines are for use for anyone in industry developing continuous professional development training materials to educate ICT professionals in the Universal Design approach. These ICT professionals, as set out in 4.2 include: - executive manager; - middle manager; - software and hardware developer; - designer; - reviewer and tester; - marketing and communication personnel; - human resources personnel. The training guidelines are designed for use by ICT professionals. Those who benefit from improved design of ICT systems are listed in 5.1 and include people experiencing some form of performance limitation due to age, size, physical environment, ability or disability. The curriculum guidelines cover ten essential topics that were identified as relevant for Universal Design. Each topic can be taught at one of three levels of granularity, Introduction, Major Aspects and Details. The curriculum is modular, each units deal with are a certain topic at a certain level of detail. A concrete course can be composed from these units, to accommodate the needs of the target audience.

Life cycle


CWA 16266:2011


prCEN/TS 16266
30.98 Project deleted
Sep 25, 2019