ISO/TR 17400:2021

Space systems — Space launch complexes, integration sites and other facilities — General testing guidelines ISO/TR 17400:2021

Publication date:   Aug 12, 2021

General information

60.60 Standard published   Aug 12, 2021


ISO/TC 20/SC 14 Space systems and operations

Technical Report

49.140   Space systems and operations



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This document is applicable to new projects and programs and to redesigned and upgraded launch pad and integration sites. This document describes the testing phases, goals, and general aspects for launch space complexes and complexes for assembly and tests of a vehicle and spacecraft and the associated equipment that, after successful testing, will be ready for launch vehicle processing and launch. This document can be applied to the creation of international launch pad and integration sites. At creation of new launching space complexes and complexes for assembly and tests of a vehicle and spacecraft (or at their modernization) within the framework of one country, the rules established by that country can be applied.

Life cycle


ISO/TR 17400:2003


ISO/TR 17400:2021
60.60 Standard published
Aug 12, 2021