ISO/NP 6135

Earth moving machinery — Safety of the intended functionality ISO/NP 6135

General information

10.20 New project ballot initiated   Dec 7, 2024


ISO/TC 127/SC 2 Safety, ergonomics and general requirements

International Standard


This document will establish general principles for the development and evaluation of the safety of the intended functionality (SOTIF) for earth-moving machinery (EMM) as defined in ISO 6165.
It will establish general principles on the applicable design, verification and validation measures, as well as activities during the operation phase, that are needed to achieve and maintain SOTIF.
This document will be applicable to levels of autonomy and automation from L1 to L5 as defined in ISO 7334:20xx, Table x.
This document will be applicable to intended functionalities that use electrical, electronic, programmable electronic systems (E/E/PE) or any combination thereof installed in earth-moving machinery or its equipment.
Reasonably foreseeable misuse will be in the scope of this document.
This document will not apply to:
 faults covered by the ISO 19014 series;
 cybersecurity threats;
 hazards directly caused by the system technology (e.g. eye damage from a LiDAR beam);
 hazards related to electric shock, fire, smoke, heat, radiation, toxicity, flammability, material/substance, release of energy and similar hazards, unless directly caused by the intended functionality of the systems.
 deliberate actions that clearly violate the system’s intended use, (which are considered feature abuse);
 machines that use self-evolving behaviour/online learning (outside of the development phase)
 visibility aids that do not impact machine motion [eg: cameras, RADAR, and other detectors]
Processes contained within this document will apply to existing systems when adapted for use in a different/new ODD and behaviour from initially envisaged.
This document will not be applicable to EMM manufactured before the date of its publication.

Life cycle


ISO/NP 6135
10.20 New project ballot initiated
Dec 7, 2024