10.20 New project ballot initiated Dec 7, 2024
ISO/TC 85/SC 2 Radiological protection
International Standard
ISO 20041-3 describes analysis methods for the determination of tritium and carbon-14 activities by liquid scintillation counting and calculation methods to determine the tritium activities discharged as tritiated water vapour (HTO) and tritium in other chemical compounds (non-HTO) as wells as carbon-14 activities discharged as carbon dioxide (14CO2) and carbon-14 in other chemical compounds (non-14CO2). The results of the measurement are therefore expressed in becquerels.
ISO 20041-3 applies to samples that were obtained on molecular sieves according to ISO 20041-1 and that are representative of a certain volume stream or volume of discharge during a given period of time and of the corresponding volume discharged.
This document does not apply to tritium and carbon-14 activity concentrations in the environmental air, e. g. in the vicinity of nuclear installations.
ISO/NP 20041-3
New project ballot initiated
Dec 7, 2024