ISO/NP 25418

Ships and marine technology — Roll on/Roll off ship-to-shore connection — Interface between terminals and ships with straight stern/bow ramps ISO/NP 25418

General information

10.60 Close of voting   Sep 1, 2024


ISO/TC 8/SC 4 Outfitting and deck machinery

International Standard


This document specifies the main design dimensions and technical requirements for the interface between ro-ro vessels with bow/transom straight skips and wharves, including shore-end ramps and ship-end skips, etc. This standard applies to ro-ro vessels with bow/transom straight skips and ship-end skips. This document applies to the ro-ro quay and ship skip that accepts ro-ro ships with bow/stern straight skips, and does not apply to the special quay for train ferries and ships without own skips.

Life cycle


ISO/NP 25418
10.60 Close of voting
Sep 1, 2024