ISO/NP 17580

Simplified design guideline for concrete structures using performance based design concept ISO/NP 17580

General information

10.98 New project rejected   Jul 23, 2022


ISO/TC 71/SC 5 Simplified design standard for concrete structures

International Standard


In this proposal, a simplified design guideline for concrete structures will be developed based on PBD and working stress design (WSD) method because WSD is easy to understand. WSD is the most simple and well-known design approach. Moreover, WSD is available in many developing countries.
Thus, the proposed design guideline would be beneficial for international construction business and be a basis for future PBD international code. The proposed guideline include a design example of simple reinforced concrete beam using PBD with WSD. Performance indices (PIs) in the guideline include PIs for stress, serviceability and durability.

Life cycle


ISO/NP 17580
10.98 New project rejected
Jul 23, 2022