ISO 9838:2023

Alpine and touring ski-bindings — Test soles for ski-binding tests ISO 9838:2023

Publication date:   Feb 8, 2023

General information

60.60 Standard published   Feb 8, 2023


ISO/TC 83/SC 4 Snowsports equipment

International Standard

97.220.20   Winter sports equipment



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This document defines test soles representing
—    an alpine ski-boot (form A) or at least the bottom part of it used for testing alpine ski-bindings for alpine skiing in accordance with ISO 9462 and ISO 9465, and
—    a touring ski-boot (form T) or at least the bottom part of it used for testing touring ski-bindings for touring skiing in accordance with ISO 13992 and ISO 9465.
This document also defines a test body representing alpine ski-boots with improved walking soles in accordance with ISO 23223.
NOTE      Ski-boots have their own International Standards (ISO 5355, ISO 9523 and ISO 23223), which allow relatively large tolerances in defining the test sole that are generally believed to be suitable for on-slope use by skiers, but too large for reproducible laboratory measurements.

Life cycle


ISO 9838:2019


ISO 9838:2023
60.60 Standard published
Feb 8, 2023