ISO 8622:1998

Cinematography — Magnetic sound records on 70 mm motion-picture release prints with magnetic stripes — A-chain reproduction characteristics ISO 8622:1998

Publication date:   Mar 19, 1998

General information

90.93 Standard confirmed   Jul 10, 2023


ISO/TC 36 Cinematography

International Standard

37.060.20   Motion picture films. Cartridges



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This International Standard specifies the A-chain electrical frequency response characteristics for magnetic sound reproduction in motion-picture control rooms and indoor theatres. It is also intended for use, in conjunction with IS0 2969, in the standardization of recording monitor and reproduction characteristics of motion-picture sound in studio dubbing theatres, review rooms and indoor theatres.
This International Standard covers that part of the motion picture sound system from the transducer to the input terminals of the main fader, and should be read in conjunction with IS0 8590, which defines the recorded characteristics for 35 mm and 70 mm magnetic striped prints.

Life cycle


ISO 8622:1990


ISO 8622:1998
90.93 Standard confirmed
Jul 10, 2023