ISO 6943:2007

Rubber, vulcanized — Determination of tension fatigue ISO 6943:2007

Publication date:   Jun 14, 2007

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   Sep 30, 2011

General information

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   Sep 30, 2011


ISO/TC 45/SC 2 Testing and analysis

International Standard

83.060   Rubber



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ISO 6943:2007 describes a method for the determination of the resistance of vulcanized rubbers to fatigue under repeated tensile deformations, the test piece size and frequency of cycling being such that there is little or no temperature rise. Under these conditions, failure results from the growth of a crack that ultimately severs the test piece.
The method is restricted to repeated deformations in which the test piece is relaxed to zero strain for part of each cycle. Analogous fatigue processes can occur under repeated deformations which do not pass through zero strain and also, in certain rubbers, under static deformation, but this International Standard does not apply to these conditions.
The method is believed to be suitable for rubbers that have reasonably stable stress-strain properties, at least after a period of cycling, and that do not show undue stress softening or set, or highly viscous behaviour. Materials that do not meet these criteria may present considerable difficulties from the points of view of both experiment and interpretation. For example, the method is not considered suitable for most thermoplastic elastomers.

Life cycle


ISO 6943:1984


ISO 6943:2007
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
Sep 30, 2011


ISO 6943:2011