ISO 483:2005

Plastics — Small enclosures for conditioning and testing using aqueous solutions to maintain the humidity at a constant value ISO 483:2005

Publication date:   Nov 11, 2005

General information

90.93 Standard confirmed   Jun 6, 2023


ISO/TC 61/SC 6 Ageing, chemical and environmental resistance

International Standard

83.200   Equipment for the rubber and plastics industries



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ISO 483:2005 establishes guidelines for the construction and use of enclosures with volumes less than 200 dm3, in order to obtain atmospheres of constant relative humidity at given temperatures, using saturated aqueous salt solutions, glycerol/water solutions or sulfuric acid/water solutions, for conditioning and testing plastics.
It specifies the procedures to be followed to maintain the relative humidities of the conditioning and testing atmospheres within the required tolerances, at the temperatures specified by particular International Standards.
The procedures described are intended for conditioning small quantities of materials prior to test, and for such tests as may be carried out entirely within a small enclosure, e.g. electrical tests. The guidelines described do not apply to enclosures requiring frequent opening.

Life cycle


ISO 483:1988


ISO 483:2005
90.93 Standard confirmed
Jun 6, 2023