ISO 3234:1975

Sodium sulphate for industrial use — Determination of loss in mass at 110 degrees C ISO 3234:1975

Publication date:   Jul 1, 1975

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   May 27, 2002

General information

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   May 27, 2002


ISO/TC 47 Chemistry

International Standard

71.060.50   Salts



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Applicable to anhydrous products. Heating of a test portion, spread in a thin layer, to constant mass in an oven the temperature of which is controlled at (110 2) 0C. In the special case of the decahydrate, progressive heating of a test portion, spread in a thin layer, to constant mass by means of a hot-plate and a radiator.

Life cycle


ISO 3234:1975
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
May 27, 2002