ISO 2491:1974

Thin parallel keys and their corresponding keyways (Dimensions in millimetres) ISO 2491:1974

Publication date:   Aug 1, 1974

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   Jun 23, 2006

General information

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   Jun 23, 2006


ISO/TC 14 Shafts for machinery and accessories

International Standard

21.120.30   Keys and keyways, splines



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Also specifies the material of the keys, gives the relation which should be observed between the diameter of shaft and the section of key, and is of general application for cylindrical shaft ends. It is recommended that the values given be adhered to even for special applications. For normal taper keys and corresponding keyways refer to ISO/R 773.

Life cycle


ISO 2491:1974
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
Jun 23, 2006