ISO 2485:1973

Potassium sulphate for industrial use — Determination of potassium content — Gravimetric method as potassium tetraphenylborate ISO 2485:1973

Publication date:   Apr 1, 1973

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   May 27, 2002

General information

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   May 27, 2002


ISO/TC 47 Chemistry

International Standard

71.060.50   Salts



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Dissolution of a test portion taken from the laboratory sample, previosly ground and sifted. Addition of formaldehyde to transform any ammonium ions present into hexamethylenetetramine and of the disodium salt of ethylenediamin tetra-acetic acid to complex any extraneous cations present which could cause excessive errors. These additions have no detrimental effect on the precision or reproduciblility of the method. Precipitation of the potassium by sodium tetraphenylborate in a weakly alkaline medium. Drying and weighing of the precipitate.

Life cycle


ISO 2485:1973
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
May 27, 2002